changelog > cfpaymill.cfc

Version Date Change
0.3.6 8 March 2015
  1. Subscription "next_capture_at" converted to ColdFusion date object.
  2. TextBox unit tests for Paymill v2.0 API added.
0.3.5 23 February 2015
  1. Method getSubscription() was incorrectly set to return "refunds" now changed to "subscriptions". Thanks to Yogesh Mathur -
  2. Paymill requires parameters names to be lower case and ColdFusion returns structure keys as upper case. Parameters forced to lower case.
0.3.4 22 May 2014
  1. Trap and reports the reason for a failed card. Thanks to John Whish -
0.3.3 15 May 2014
  1. Method getPrivateKey() added
  2. Method getPublicKey() added
0.3.2 23 February 2014
  1. Method of authorization changed.
  2. Method updateSubscription() argument payment added and default value for offer added.
  3. Paymill response code messages added.
  4. Array of epochDatesToConvert added.
  5. Method deletePayment() added.
  6. Default values for addPreauthorization() payment and token arguments added.
  7. Method addSubscription() argument order changed and handling of no client argument added.
  8. Method parseWebhook() added.
  9. Method getResponseMessage() added.
  10. Replace all the "null" subscription values in the JSON packet with a ColdFusion empty array.
  11. Method getEpochTimeFromLocal() added.
  12. Method convertAmountsFromBase() added.
  13. Method replaceWithCallback() added.
0.2.2 24 September 2013
  1. Support for logging Paymill requests and responses for debugging purposes added.
0.2.1 9 June 2013
  1. Default values for the optional count and offset arguments for the gets() methods, e.g. getClients() added.
  2. Missing getTransaction() method added.
0.2 27 May 2013
  1. Support for the Paymill Offer object added.
  2. The data type of "amount" changed from integer to decimal. When submitting and retrieving an amount it is now no longer necessary to convert the currency amount to or from an integer.
0.1.1 13 May 2013
  1. Missing var declaration for "result" in addPreauthorization() and addTransaction() added. Credit to Manoj Sudra for spotting my oversight.
0.1 5 May 2013
  1. Initial release.