changelog > website

Version Date Change
0.2.2 7 September 2015
  1. Changelog updated to cfPaymill 0.3.6
0.2.1 9 June 2013
  1. Added "how it works" section to demonstration page.
  2. Default values for the optional count and offset arguments for the gets() methods, e.g. getClients() added.
  3. Note regarding periodic deletion of data added.
  4. Row counter added to record listings.
  5. Menu hidden when page printed.
  6. Scotch on the Rocks Lightning Talk slides added.
0.2 27 May 2013
  1. Documentation for interacting with the Paymill Offer objects added.
  2. Data type for "amount" changed from integer to decimal. 21 May 2013
  1. Component instantiation examples corrected.
0.1.1 13 May 2013
  1. Change log section added.
  2. βeta suffix removed from version.
0.1 5 May 2013
  1. Initial release.