Playlistr: A ColdBox Quick Exemplar Project

The ColdBox development framework for Adobe ColdFusion and Lucee has an excellent Module called Quick which allows simpler interaction with a database. This exemplar application and documentation will help you understand the principles and pitfalls associated with this powerful ColdBox Module.

With this project you can either choose to follow along with the build process to understand how it all fits together or just checkout the master branch of this repository.

All great software starts with great documentation, so here's ours!

Playlistr is music playlist manager.

With Playlistr you can:

  • Make a note of all the albums you have
  • List all the song titles on those albums
  • Associate the artist with the album
  • Create a collections of playlists
  • Add songs to those playlists

Getting Started

Note: This is not a project to demonstration test coverage or input validation. This is just a simple application to to get you started with Quick.