Playlistr: Albums & Artists
How about if we join up our Albums
with our Artists
so we can remember who recorded what.
If we're going to create a relationship between our Albums
and our Artists
we'll need to alter our database schema. As we've seen before, commandbox-migrations
with qb
allows us to create tables and columns in our database. Amazingly it also allows us to alter an existing schema. So let's create a new script with migrate create albums-artists
and modify it to add our relationships.
component {
function up( schema ) {
schema.alter( "albums", function( table ) {
table.unsignedInteger( "artistID" ).nullable()
table.foreignKey( "artistID" )
.references( "id" )
.onTable( "artists" )
.onDelete( "cascade" )
} );
function down( schema ) {
schema.alter( "albums", function( table ) {
table.dropForeignKey( table.foreignKey( "artistID" ) )
.dropColumn( "artistID" );
} );
Now when we call migrate up
from our terminal our albums
table is altered with a foreign key column called artistID
on the artists
table. Also we can call migrate down
to drop the foreign key and column.
Beware: Calling migrate down
will run all your down()
methods and will drop you back to a database empty of all records and tables. If you just wanted to revert the last change you add the switch --once
like so: migrate down --once
and the same can be used if you want to step up through your migration with migrate up --once
We need to make changes to both the Album
and Artist
side of the model, controllers and views as well as our AlbumService
Album (Model)
Here we need to tell the application that the Album
is a child of an Artist
and therefore it belongs to an Artist
component extends="quick.models.BaseEntity" {
property name;
property artistID sqltype="cf_sql_integer";
function artist() {
return belongsTo( "Artist" );
We've added an artistID
property with an sqltype
of cf_sql_integer
. This allows Quick
to insert an Album
row where there is, as yet, no Artist
associated and therefore the value would be NULL
The artist()
method allows us to get the Artist
associated with the Album
by using getArtist()
on the retrieved Album
. The belongsTo()
is a Quick
method that tells the entity which entity to relate to.
Artist (Model)
With our Artist
we need to be able to get all the Album
entities associated, or children, of our Artist
component extends="quick.models.BaseEntity" {
property name;
function albums() {
return hasMany( "Album" );
There is no extra property to add but there is a new method called albums()
. This provides a getAlbums()
method to our Artist
entity. The method hasMany()
returns a Quick
collection of Album
Album (Controller)
We need to touch a few of the action methods to add support for the Artists
associated with our Album
Action: create()
function create( event, rc, prc ) {
param = ""; = "";
prc.artistID = "";
prc.artists = getInstance( "Artist" )
.orderby( "id" )
prc.action = "Create";
prc.formAction = "albums.createAction";
event.setView( "albums/createUpdate" );
Here we've added a rc.artistID
to initialise the value and an array of all the Artists
for use in the view.
Action: createAction()
function createAction( event, rc, prc ) {
param = "";
param rc.artistID = "";
AlbumService.create( {
artistID: rc.artistID
} );
relocate( "albums" );
All that has been changed here is adding a default value for rc.artistID
and passing the submitted value onto the create()
method in our AlbumService
Action: update()
function update( event, rc, prc ) {
param = "";
var album = AlbumService.getByID( ); = album.getName();
prc.artistID = album.getArtist().getID();
prc.artists = getInstance( "Artist" )
.orderby( "id" )
prc.action = "Update";
prc.formAction = "albums.updateAction";
event.setView( "albums/createUpdate" );
For our Album
view we need to know which, if any, Artist
is associated with our Album
. The line rc.artistID = album.getArtist().getID();
get the Artist
ID value for us to use in the view. Once again we also need to have an array of all the Artists
Action: updateAction()
function updateAction( event, rc, prc ) {
param = "";
param = "";
param rc.artistID = "";
AlbumService.update(, {
artistID: rc.artistID
} );
relocate( "albums" );
Finally we need to ensure there is an rc.artistID
and that it's passed onto our AlbumService
method update()
Artist (Controller)
Once again, just a few changes to support the views.
Action: create()
function create( event, rc, prc ) {
param = ""; = "";
prc.albums = [];
prc.action = "Create";
prc.formAction = "artists.createAction";
event.setView( "artists/createUpdate" );
There's very little to change here. We just need to defined our prc.albums
as an empty array for the view to know not display a table of Albums
Action: update()
function update( event, rc, prc ) {
param = "";
var artist = getInstance( "Artist" )
.findOrFail( ); = artist.getName();
prc.albums = artist.getAlbums();
prc.action = "Update";
prc.formAction = "artists.updateAction";
event.setView( "artists/createUpdate" );
There's very little to change here. Just to get all the Albums
for use to display when updating an Artist.
Next we need to make use of all this new data from the relationships we've established by using the views to reference the Album
and Artist
Album (createUpdate.cfm)
<cfif prc.artists.len() != 0>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="exampleFormControlSelect1">Artist</label>
<select id="artistID" name="artistID" class="form-control">
<option value="">Select an artist</option>
<cfloop array="#prc.artists#" item="artist">
<option value="#artist.getID()#" #( artist.getID() == prc.artistID ? "selected" : "" )#>#artist.getName()#</option>
If we have some Artist
entities, we want to display a dropdown list of them to be able to choose from. Also, when updating an Album
where an Artist
has previously been associated with the Album
, we want that Artist
to be pre-selected.
Artist (createUpdate.cfm)
<cfif prc.albums.len() != 0>
<table class="table table-striped table-bordered">
<thead class="thead-dark">
<th scope="col">Albums</th>
<cfloop array="#prc.albums#" item="local.album">
<td><a href="#event.buildLink( to='albums.update', queryString='id=#local.album.getID()#' )# ">#local.album.getName()#</a></td>
Again, if we have some Albums
associated with our Artist
we'll want to list then and also provide a link to allow us to jump to that Album