Playlistr: Quick

Now we get to install Quick.


Similar to the installation of the CommandBox modules, we install Quick from the CommandBox command line.

install quick

As you will see, there are several dependencies that Quick brings with it to support the module.

  • qb
  • str
  • cbjavaloader
  • cfcollection
  • normalizeToArray
  • cbvalidation
  • cbi18n

Additionally we need to add a moduleSettings entry to our Coldbox.cfc configuration file to tell Quick which database engine we are using. We could use AutoDiscover but once again, there are benefit in being specific so we'll use MySQLGrammar in this instance.

moduleSettings = {
	quick = {
		defaultGrammar = "MySQLGrammar"

Whilst the documentation says you can "...annotate your component with the quick annotation" I've found this to be less reliable than extending the component with extends="quick.models.BaseEntity".

component extends="quick.models.BaseEntity" {


To complete our connectivity with the database we need to create a data source name (DSN). Hopefully you are familiar with doing that in your ColdFusion/Lucee Administrator and adding it to your Application.cfc with a this.datasource = 'playlistr'; entry.